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Rebar Corrosion Control

Published: 19880201 by Construction Canada
Author(s): Robert Gummow

A 1985 study prepared by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation stated that “the overall cost of repairs to damaged parking structures in Canada has been estimated at 1.5 to 3 billion dollars.” Most of the damage which has necessitated these repairs has been caused by corrosion, In fact the deterioration of reinforcing of steel in reinforced concrete structures is undoubtedly the most serious corrosion problem in Canada today. Corrosion activity on reinforcing steel is both initiated and sustained by the continual presence of chlorides, moisture, and oxygen at the reinforcing steel / concrete interface. Although the primary source of chlorides is de-icing salts, chloride salt is sometimes added to accelerate curing and in some instances, there are residual chlorides in the concrete aggregate. Moisture available from vehicles, or simply as a result of high humidity is sufficient to support the corrosion process, Oxygen is readily available in the porous concrete structure.